Other terms may seem familiar but have a completely different meaning in Waldorf schools, such as "form drawing" or "main lesson". Erziehungskunst explains Waldorf words, other terms and examples can be found on our homepage under Schule leben/Waldorf-Wörterbuch. We want to give all those who are new to the schools a little help. Those of you who have long been experts are warmly invited to examine our dictionary for completeness and to let us know of other Waldorf school words that we should include in our collection.
In the spring we conducted a reader survey in which we asked you for suggestions for improving Erziehungkunst. In a first step, we have implemented a number of changes for the print version. These relate, among other things, to the size of the magazine (it is thinner!), the subtitle of our magazine ("waldorf.leben"), the layout of the pages (three-column and left-aligned) and that you can as of now also receive the magazine as a PDF after publication. With these changes, we want to use less paper and thus act more ecologically. In a second step, we want to change our website in the coming year and, for example, provide a platform for all public relations officers of the schools where they can upload news, articles or galleries onto a page ("Waldorfschule-vor-Ort"). I find the new look lovely and would like to thank the two layout designers, Caro Becker and Maria Kafitz, for their graphic art.
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