Issue 04/24

Waldorf Schools Ask the World – An Idea in Tima and Space

The initiative Waldorf Education in the Global Prism surveys the entire world. How Waldorf schools and Waldorf education are organized in other regions: with the children and young people, the familiar and unfamiliar cultures, festivals and religions. But also, for example, how the adversities of everyday life, self-administration or the authorities are dealt with. We would like to inspire ourselves and all interested parties with the lived practice, creative ideas and solutions in and from regions all over the world. This is why the project An Idea in Time and Space Waldorf Education in the Global Prism was launched. And we are looking for questions, questions from the local school landscape, questions from you!

Such questions could be, for example: «How do you integrate parents into the school and its organization? How does Waldorf school work throughout the day?» We will be sending them to a wide variety of Waldorf schools in all parts of the world and look forward to receiving responses. We are convinced that, in addition to the many similarities and similarities within the global Waldorf community, we will receive a variety of new perspectives, impulses and ideas that can only enrich our work in the schools. If this results in a mutual awareness across all borders and conflicts, we believe this will be very valuable. If the global Waldorf world in all its regional and cultural peculiarities also inspires each other and new and sustainable impulses grow, the project will have fully achieved its goal.
Um das Vorhaben voranzubringen, suchen wir jetzt Fragensteller:innen! Ganz gleich, ob die Themen im Bereich der (Selbst-)Verwaltung, der Pädagogik oder der äußeren Einfluss-Faktoren auf das Schulleben angesiedelt sind. Als interessierte Menschen aus der Schule seid Ihr, sind Sie aufgerufen, Eure und Ihre Fragen ab sofort unter bei den Projektverantwortlichen einzureichen.

We are looking forward to many questions!

Hans-Georg Hutzel, Frank Steinwachs, Deodat von Eickstedt


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