
Mumbulla School wins sustainability award

The award, presented by Environmental Education NSW (EENSW) highlights Mumbulla School’s commitment to environmental education and leadership in sustainability.

Reagan White, Education Manager at Mumbulla School, accepted the award on behalf of the school community, stating:
«This award reflects the passion and commitment of our entire school community. At Mumbulla School, sustainability is at the heart of our education – guiding how we live, learn, and connect with the world. We hope to inspire our students and the wider community to take meaningful action for a healthier, more sustainable future.»

Sue Burton, President of Environmental Education NSW, also praised the winners:
«Environmental education has never been more critical. These awards celebrate passionate sustainability champions who inspire communities and empower young people to create a sustainable future. The efforts of schools like Mumbulla show that education is one of our most powerful tools for positive change.»

This recognition is a significant achievement for Mumbulla School and the Bega Valley community, demonstrating the power of education to inspire positive environmental change. It highlights Mumbulla School’s leadership in environmental education and demonstrates the impact of collective action in fostering meaningful change, both locally and beyond


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