In Action

Come On In

Angelika Lonnemann

When I first came to Wagenburgstraße in Stuttgart and saw the house with the number 6, I was very surprised about how small the house is where the German Association of Waldorf Schools (BdFWS) has its home. An association that looks after 253 schools, with around 9,000 teachers, some 90,000 pupils, and probably 70,000 parental homes – I had somehow imagined a high-rise building like a corporate headquarter. In fact, the BdFWS employs only 25 people, many of whom are part-time. Five work in Berlin, the others have their desks in Stuttgart.

In this Erziehungskunst we want to tell you a little bit about ourselves: how such a magazine came about, how its tasks have developed over the decades and what the German Association of Waldorf Schools does. And that includes many areas of activity that deserve much greater visibility than is sometimes the case.

(For further reading, find the entire issue of April 2023 in German here.)


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