Articles as of 2009

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Ingo Leipner,
Jun. 2021

Reality trumps virtuality

Computers in schools can be useful, but they can also cause harm.
Tomáš Zdražil,
Jun. 2021

The main lesson as a foundation for living education

Between five and six million people regularly watch the quiz show “Who wants to be millionaire” on the German broadcaster RTL. The selective knowledge pulled from a wide variety of subject areas is c
Mathias Maurer,
Jun. 2021

Clear Relationships

Those who seriously want to work together must learn that their opinion is not the law – unless they are a despot or simply paying lip service to cooperation.
May. 2021

A eurythmy education project comes to an end

For 16 years there was the school practical qualification Eurythmy Teacher Bachelor of Dance/Eurythmy in Education as a one-year international additional training for trained eurythmists. The Pedagogi
Mathias Maurer,
May. 2021


At the time of writing this editorial, the schools are (still) closed: an opportunity to take another snapshot – not representative, of course – in the immediate vicinity of the sensitivities of paren
May. 2021

What is good medicine?

Interview with Prof Dr Giovanni Maio. He is a doctor and philosopher and holds the chair of medical ethics at the Albert Ludwig University in Freiburg. In his writings he advocates a system of medicin
Karin Michael,
May. 2021

Learning health

It was the old people who touched me during my nursing training. Their glances from the windows across to the schoolyard, their quiet joy when they watched the goings-on of the schoolchildren from a d
May. 2021

Refusing military service in Israel

The Israeli Waldorf teacher Gilad Goldshmidt in conversation with Hallel Rabin. Hallel (19) grew up in the anthroposophical Kibbutz Harduf in Israel and attended kindergarten and Waldorf school there.
Thomas Wildgruber,
May. 2021

Emergency education deployment in the Caribbean

The people on the island of Providencia were warned. They were told to stay indoors. Two weeks earlier, hurricane Eta had already swept across the Caribbean. But what happened on the night of 15 to 16
Catharina Engelke, Maria-Sibylla Hesse,
May. 2021

Together for the environment. Potsdam and Zanzibar prepare for the hot season

Brandenburg sand here, tropical downpours there: in the new hot season, we have to learn to deal with climatic changes in Germany as in Zanzibar. The social impacts must also be considered, up to and
Susanne Speckenbach,
May. 2021

Calm in the maelstrom

Many feet scuffling, many hands rustling, many mouths chattering – there is always something going on in a class. So how can the children learn anything at all? We need quiet and activity. The class t
Fridtjof Meyer-Radkau,
Apr. 2021

The time of social work at Waldorf schools has come. From the initial idea to daily practice

In the last three years, there has been a growing interest in social work at Waldorf schools. The first request to present my work in a lecture came from Bremen at the beginning of 2018. Since then, I
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