Articles as of 2009

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Henning Kullak-Ublick,
Jul. 2020

Listen to …

Three years after his death, the album Thanks for the Dance by the Canadian poet, painter and musician Leonard Cohen was released in 2019.
Jul. 2020

Treating trauma. Interview with Barbara Schiller, managing director of stART international

After the initial experience of working with emergency education in Lebanon in 2006 and 2007, a group of Waldorf teachers and anthroposophical therapists, including Barbara Schiller, founded the “stAR
Kirsten Schreiber,
Jul. 2020

School stress: everyone has it, no one wants it. How do we exit from it?

Exiting from school stress requires courage and commitment – that was the conclusion of many participants at the specialist conference on the subject of “Stress and school” at the Havelhöhe Family For
Mathias Maurer,
Jul. 2020

Stress test

We look back on unusual weeks at the service public health. The restrictions on our freedoms as a result of the battle against the coronavirus are, looked at historically, not unique – except for the
Christian Boettger,
Jun. 2020

How sustainable is the Waldorf curriculum?

Book fair in Leipzig: on occasion of the hundredth anniversary of the Waldorf school movement in 2019, there was a large stand at which, among other things, a short presentation was given each day on
Mathias Maurer,
Jun. 2020

Still some room for improvement. Snap poll on the subject of sustainability

We used a snap poll to get a picture of what the German Waldorf schools are (already) doing with regard to sustainability. That includes aspects of the running of the school, energy management, nutrit
Jörg Bürmann-Janssen,
Jun. 2020

Maschsee European environmental school

The Hanover-Maschsee free Waldorf school is one of the oldest Waldorf schools in Germany. Sustainability was a principle guiding its actions from the beginning, long before the concept became a politi
Barbara Horwedel,
Jun. 2020

A school kitchen fit for grandchildren

Cooking today so that no one starves tomorrow.
Henning Kullak-Ublick,
Jun. 2020

About life in action

Are we yet sufficiently machine-compliant? Do we educate our children with the necessary rigour to adapt to the requirements of a world which is increasingly being controlled by machines? Do we teach
Jona Christians,
Jun. 2020

Doing change – the story of Sonomotors

Former Waldorf pupils develop an innovative electric car, set up a startup company and seek a new way of community funding.
Sven Saar,
Jun. 2020

Seeing black misses the point. The crisis in English Waldorf schools

It is meanwhile clear to everyone involved that the precarious situation of the Waldorf schools in England – things are different in Scotland and Wales – cannot be laid at the door of a brutal and aut
Ute Hallaschka,
Jun. 2020

The virus: war and peace. Notes on corona

“Nous sommes en guerre!” We are at war – the words of the French president in his address to the nation summon up resistance, literally. What we need now is empathy, solidarity and responsibility says
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