Articles as of 2009

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Stefan Langhammer,
Nov. 2020

Untapped freedoms. School experiences from the perspective of teachers and parents

It is almost twenty-nine years ago that I first stood in front of a Waldorf school class, or at least half of one. Monday afternoon, 2pm, the time of greatest digestive activity, in the pizza…
Regine Basfeld,
Nov. 2020

Why teachers need parents

The relationship between parents and teachers changes in the course of a child’s time in school. In a certain sense the closeness and distance of the parents to and from the teachers reflect the…
Nov. 2020

Pär Play – learning intuitively and playfully from life

Teachers who practice Intuitive Pedagogy know the extent to which it trains the ability to form educational relationships and inner flexibility. The Nuremberg Teacher Training Seminar includes in its…
Albrecht Schad,
Nov. 2020

About coronavirus

The transformation of our lifeworld through human beings and the retroactive effect on humans.
Angelika Wiehl,
Oct. 2020

The I awakening. Youth motifs in Waldorf education

Youth as a phase of life with a separate and positive meaning has only been referred to in the last hundred years or so, that is since the time in which Rudolf Steiner also published initial ideas…
Wilfried Sommer,
Oct. 2020

A committed affair with here and now – young people and teaching

Under the title “Is school too stupid for our children?” the publisher and education expert of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung newspaper, Jürgen Kaube, published a number of provocative hypotheses…
Constanza Kaliks,
Oct. 2020

The future lies in the hands of young people

That being young should be the subject of an academic discipline, an independent field of learning and research, was comprehensible only to a few people at the beginning when Rudolf Steiner brought…
Valentin Wember,
Oct. 2020

The initiation of young people. A little known task in Rudolf Steiner’s art of education

The night from 10 to 11 January 1881 was a bitterly cold Vienna winter’s night. Rudolf Steiner remained up late, sat in his room, reflected on a number of philosophical questions and then turned back…
Andre Bartoniczek,
Oct. 2020

Know yourself – the point of the humanities

“Know yourself” – with these words at the entrance of the Temple of Apollo the people were welcomed who came to Delphi to find answers to their existential questions from the Oracle: how can we live…
Mathias Maurer,
Oct. 2020

Igniting the spirit

Adolescence is a time of transition – it turns the world on its head in order to give birth to the “inner human being”. The impetus for action should come not from outside but from within the person.…
Mathias Maurer,
Sep. 2020

Crafts and art

Everyone knows it – school practitioners, educational theorists, brain researchers, indeed entrepreneurs confirm it: the “creative forces of aesthetics”, the “emotional boost of artistic expression”…
Nana Göbel,
Sep. 2020

50 years of the Hague Circle

The international Waldorf movement
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