Nirmala Diaz, co-founder of Sloka, shares a report about the the Hyderabad Waldorf school. The school is now starting its first batch of grade eleven in an ecologically-designed new building on the c
The course will include written and video instruction as well as weekly group calls with participants from all over the world. Through this creative work a supportive transcultural community will be f
Raising one's own children to be peaceful inhabitants of the world – many parents see this as an important task. Is this even possible in the face of our own countless inner demons, and in this violen
These are dangerous times for good soil: more and more land is being built on or is threatened by erosion. In Germany alone, an area the size of 90 soccer fields is sealed every day. Yet soils are the
It was ridiculed for a long time, repeatedly defamed as esoteric nonsense and yet became the blueprint for organic farming, which has long been regarded worldwide as a sustainable model for healthy nu
For several years, our family was part of a car pool for Demeter milk. Once a month, we drove to the Birkmeier farm in Pöttmes by car, tapped 40 to 50 liters of milk there and brought the healthy carg
Taught remotely in real time, this course offers you an invaluable opportunity to focus entirely on your upcoming third grade school year in five days brimming with presentations, discussions, and pra