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centerpiece creative texts With the centerpiece in our german magazine, Erziehungskunst provides a canvas for creative expression in every issue. For the design of our centerpiece we are regularly l

Publisher's View

Publisher's View




editorial publisher´s view centerpiece
Aug. 2023

Experiencing is Being – Moving is Becoming

In April 2023 the World Teachers’ Conference took place at the Goetheanum, in Switzerland. Usually it happens every four years, but due to international Covid restrictions this was the first such even
Aug. 2023

The magic of school trips

On school trips parents are far away. In return friends, enemies, and those in the class, which were previously invisible, suddenly are unusually close. Free spaces are created, you feel suddenly incr
Jul. 2023

Networking across Europe of Steiner Waldorf Parents

Parents and teachers from the European Network of Steiner Waldorf Parents met for several days in Italy this spring. For the first time since the pandemic, an exchange about cooperation, communication


Jul. 2023

"I have found my path!": Luong Phan from Vietnam

Sven Saar was at the World Teachers’ Conference 2023 as a correspondent of Erziehungskunst and met inspiring Waldorf teachers from all over the world.
Jul. 2023

"Becoming a class teacher? The idea gives me a lift!": Marelle Tann from Estonia

Sven Saar was at the World Teachers’ Conference 2023 as a correspondent of Erziehungskunst and met inspiring Waldorf teachers from all over the world.
Jul. 2023

A White World in a Brown Country: Esteban Casati from Argentina

Sven Saar was at the World Teachers’ Conference 2023 as a correspondent of Erziehungskunst and met inspiring Waldorf teachers from all over the world.

Subscription (German edition)

Subscription (German edition) Order German edition If you have any questions, please contact: Leserservice Verlag Freies Geistesleben Postfach 13 11 22 70069 Stuttgart Germany Tel: +49 (0)71
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