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Jan. 2024

History of the Waldorf School Architecture

The vividly designed Waldorf school buildings of the 1960s, 70s and 80s are generally synonymous with anthroposophical architecture – at least in Germany. However, Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925) did not d
Jan. 2024

Worldwide Teacher Education Conference

The Goetheanum Worldwide Teacher Education Conference 2024 will take place from April 17th until the 21st. The conference aims to stimulate exchange of experiences among colleagues and offer further t
Dec. 2023

Waldorf Curriculum project: update

As reported in the Erziehungskunst (October 2021, Ein neuer Ansatz für Lehrplanentwicklung, May 2023, Waldorflehrpläne neu denken), Waldorf UK has been working with Martyn Rawson and others on a new d
Dec. 2023

Experiencing the Oberufer Christmas Plays

Stephen Sheen shares his thoughts on the Christmas Plays that are traditionally performed at Waldorf Schools this time of year.
Dec. 2023

Working with Conflict as a Catalyst

Conflict as an inevitable aspect of organizational life is a concept that most of us resignedly accept and then try our hardest to avoid. But what if we were trained in how to view conflict constructi
Dec. 2023

Main Lesson Books – Hoary Relic or Modern Tool?

The colourful main lesson books with beautiful illustrations and polished texts are an integral part of education for Waldorf pupils in the first eight years as well as for their parents and teachers.
Dec. 2023

Improvisation as a survival strategy

France has a different school system to Germany. There are only 14 Waldorf schools there, which either have to comply with strict state regulations and thus weaken their Waldorf profile, or alternativ
[Translate to Englisch:]
Dec. 2023

Window into the Soul of a Culture

Pupils at a Hamburg Waldorf school immerse themselves in Russian lessons. In doing so, they not only discover a new language, but also valuable lessons about tolerance and respect. Our author explains
Dec. 2023

Creating Meaning as Goal of Education

How can a school movement in the independent school system prevent pupils from developing right-wing extremist positions?
Dec. 2023

ADHD – a challenge for a cooperation of Waldorf education and anthroposophic medicine

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is understood today as a neuro-developmental disorder (which means that it is a congenital and chronic disorder) and is one of the most common and also the mos
Dec. 2023

Itʼs the Mixture that Counts

There are neurotypical and neurodivergent children, who in addition to different interests, talents and learning styles can also have very different needs. Since teachers also have to differentiate in
Dec. 2023

Disruption for some, strengths for others

From the perspective of a school girl who was diagnosed with Asperger's syndrome at the age of twelve, «we autistic people are normal and the rest of people are pretty weird.
Search results 109 until 120 of 281