
Opened to the Public: Online Module of Malaysian Waldorf Teacher Preparation

This is one of the intermodules for Malaysia Waldorf Teacher Preparation Cycle 2 (Inter Module 4). However, at this online module public and international participants are welcome as well.

This cours will trace the visual artistic development of the child through their painting and work with color in the primary and elementary school years. The course will include the importance of the threefold human being, multi-intelligence teaching, and understanding some of the latest neurological research as a basis for the importance of education.

Wet-on-wet and wet-on-dry watercolor painting of stories and letters, landscapes and maps, figures and naturalistic forms will all be practiced with the intention of experiencing and understanding the purpose and place of art in elementary school education and for adult human development.


Van James, B.F.A. (US), Art Dip. (UK), Art Dip. (CH) was a founding teacher of Tobias School of Art in England and has taught at the Honululu Waldorf School, both as a Class Teacher and as a grade school and high school Art Instructor for more than 35 years. He is an international guest of the Visual Art Section of North America, a mentor for the Academy of Himalayan Art and Child Development, and Gradalis Teacher Education.

Location and Time

Session 1 - Grades one to three: April 8th to April 10th
Session 2 - Grades four to six: April 12th to April 14th
Both sessions online, via Zoom, from 9:00am to 3:00pm (Malaysia tie; GMT +8)


For Malaysian participants. RM 720
For International participants: USD 195


The workshop is conducted in English. Video recordings with Chinese translation can be provided upon request.



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